Greatly develop shipbuilding industry in future decade


In the future decade, Xiamen City will greatly develop shipbuilding industry

  Nov. 1 Xiamen Daily “Xiamen Economic News” version issue the report of [shipbuilding industry sketch out the future aim: “Haixi” key shipbuilding and repairing center], in which sketch the future decade for shipbuilding industry with lots of description, and very exiting and encouraging, here would like to share with all of you.

shipbuilding industry sketch out the future aim: “Haixi” key shipbuilding and repairing center

  (reporter Liuyan) long preparing [Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry development plan] be carried out, reporter hear from municipal economic development bureau, our city publish [Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry development plan] just now, and hold the meeting of evaluation for it. In the future decade, our city will greatly develop shipbuilding industry; carry out Xiamen gulf shipbuilding industry plan, pay more attention to shipbuilding field, ship repairing, yacht touring and marine electric equipment, etc., aiming to establish the center of shipbuilding and repairing in west side of strait.

Xiamen was programmed one of four provincial shipbuilding and repairing centers

  Fujian Province has clearly pointed out that shipbuilding industry will be supported as important field in developing chain, product group, in the provincial shipbuilding industry plan, Xiamen was programmed one of four provincial shipbuilding and repairing centers. Economic development bureau said: it provides the direction for Xiamen shipbuilding industry development. 

  According to [Xiamen shipbuilding industry development plan], the general idea for Xiamen shipbuilding industry developing is, leaded by Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., to improve and to be more strong, larger shipbuilding field, bring along relevant marine equipment development with shipbuilding industry, such as marine machinery, electric (including communication, EPDS), block and hatch cover manufacture, steel structure, etc., relevant chain development; speed up forming ship repairing with Xiamen port development; and develop yacht and yacht tour field. 

  The general aim is: until 2015, it will form multi-industry situation for shipbuilding, ship repairing, yacht industry and lostics, tour, ectc. of excellent structure, advanced technique, efficient organization, form a good complete set, reasonable arrangement, matching with Xiamen modern international port and transport center of strait west side. To build one or two modern medium shipyards, 100,000ton grade ship repairing center and marine equipment producing enterprises at Xiamen gulf area, becoming important shipbuilding and repairing center of Strait west side.

The aim of general production value for 2010 is 4800million RMB

  Xiamen shipbuilding industry was constituted by shipbuilding, yacht industry, ship repairing, large steel structure manufacture, marine import and export trade, marine equipment business, etc. in which Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. is at the leading position, laying good foundation for strong Xiamen Marine industry, at the same time, the advancement of Xiamen mechanical, electric, computer, etc. provide good opportunity for the marine equipment development. According to incomplete statistic, the general industry production value for Xiamen shipbuilding field is 900 million RMB at 2004. It is reported that [Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry development plan] is from 2005 to 2015, in which 2006~2010 is short term, 2011~2015 is medium term, it is planning that until 2010 Xiamen shipbuilding industry general production value will be 4800 million RMB, 2015 is 7000 million RMB, with the annual increasing rate of 10%.

Ability for shipbuilding and repairing is arranged at under 100,000ton class

  According to Xiamen port throughput and sea-route transporting ability, Ability for Xiamen shipbuilding and repairing is arranged at under 100,000ton class. Orientation of production is: mainly build 35000~100000ton exported vessel with high technique and high added value, ship repairing equipped with small, medium and large equipment, for 50000~100000ton class vessel will mainly consider foreign vessel and Taiwan vessel; yacht field will develop medium luxury yacht above 100 feet; relevant industry will develop according to its area advantage, Xiamen island will create and produce marine mechanical and electric equipment, electric and communication equipment.

Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. Newsroom 
(excerpted at Xiamen Daily Nov. 1 version 6 “economic point”)
